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How Federer kept winning deep into his 30's
The tennis champion – who is turning 40 – has smashed the sport’s early-retirement trend, winning Grand Slam titles deep int
7 August 2021 by IdeaSpies



Why we don't give many compliments and should
“People generally don’t realise that something so small could have such a big impact”.A sense of reciprocity may explain why
31 July 2021 by IdeaSpies



Things That Made Goa Lifestyle and Culture So Special
Goa is considered to be the most westernized state of India and is a popular tourist destination all across the world. Formerly a Portuguese colony, this place is also known as the ‘Rome of the East. Goa is a combination of Indian and Portuguese cultures and that’s why Portuguese culture in Goa is very common in the state. Until 1961, Goa remained a colony of Portugal, 14 years after India’s independence. In this post we are giving you all the necessary details regarding the Goa lifestyle and more:
16 July 2021 by Ishmoh



Simple reminders on healthy eating during the extended lockdown
Due to the extended lockdown in Greater Sydney, more people face stress and develop unhealthy practices such as overeating. Stress eating and mistaking thirst for hunger are some main causes of overeating. Some practices can help combat overindulging unhealthy foods which include: - Setting a Meal Schedule- Eating mindfully: by sitting down at a table and chewing slowly- Conquering cravings wisely: eating fruits when craving sweets, having whole wheat crackers instead of chips to fix carb cravings - Practice Portion Control This simple read on healthy eating can assist in maintaining good wellbeing during this challenging time.
14 July 2021 by Mary Y



Wellness vs. Well-being: different and both essential for employees' optimal performance
Great article from startup Leanmote whose business model uses real-time data and evidence-based tools to establish a coaching culture in organisations, managing employees in diverse locations. The evolution from wellness to well-being is gaining momentum, especially as companies focus on creating great places to work for their employees.The next step - empowering employees to be in a ‘zone of optimal performance’ by leveraging systemic data collected through an on-line platform and associated devices.
14 July 2021 by Jeremy Wright



Simple Morning Meditation for Beginners
Many believe that meditation is an activity exclusively linked to Eastern religions. This is far from being the case, as meditatio
13 July 2021 by Nina McPherso...