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Putting health and wellbeing first
In our world we are governed by money and wealth. The Wellbeing Economy Governments (WEGo) partnership – currently Scotland, New Zealand, Iceland, Finland and Wales – represents an alternative to growth-based power structures like the G7. WEGo is a partnership of global leaders committed to a different notion of progress. Radical reform of our economy offers the chance for humans, everywhere, to survive and to thrive.
3 October 2021 by Matt Levy


28 September 2021 by IdeaSpies



Hobbies to fix your mind and body
In a world that has been difficult for a while now, finding interests in other activities helps decrease stress and anxiety levels.A study produced from the  Australian Psychological Society has found that four in five Australians found activities like listening to music and spending time on a hobby moderately or highly effective in managing helps with psychological detachment from work, mastery, relaxation and self control.
26 September 2021 by Matt Levy


Want to calm down and refocus? Try box breathing
Box breathing is one of the simplest and most effective ways to calm yourself and refocus in times of stress.Used everywhere from the boardroom to the battle field, this technique stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system to slow your heart rate, lower blood pressure and improve your mood.It’s quick, it’s easy, and it works.Give it a try and let me know if it worked for you!
23 September 2021 by Phil Wolffe



Stories are powerful tools
Reading a story for only 10 minutes a day is amazing for a person’s mental well-being and creativity, according to a world authority on the usefulness of fiction.The article goes into say that there are different novels for different emotions. It includes Hamlet for grief, Jane Austen novels in general for warding off heartbreak, Virginia Wolfe’s Mrs Dalloway for anxiety, or My Brilliant Friend for loneliness.The key is to try something a little bit different with each book, just minutes a day can improve your well-being.
18 September 2021 by Matt Levy



The Mental Health Benefits Of Social Prescribing
Social prescribing is a new buzz term in the fight against poor mental health. The purpose of social prescribing is to link patients in primary care with other sources of support from within the community to improve quality of life outcomes.This novel approach to supporting poor mental health has a lot of potential.But the key to its success will be how it's implemented. A properly setup social prescribing network has the potential to offer much needed support to a lot of people.Interested in finding out more? Then click the link:
14 September 2021 by Unwanted Life