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Dreams keep us feeling like children
About a year ago I set out on a journey. A mission to spread the message of well-being both physically and mentally. I decided to spread the message that anything is possible if you set your mind to it. This mission led to a children's book titled Brandon Dreams Big. 7 easy steps to get where you want to go!The book details in picture and text form actionable steps you can take to achieve your goals and improve your well-being.
5 December 2021 by Matt Levy



My bucketlist
Nowadays, we are covered by a dark cloud.But there is still some silver lining in it.So I want to share my bucket list here.1. Find true reason for your living.2.Discover your innate power.3.Find a way to bring joy in others life.Cape diem .
4 December 2021 by Rising sun



Brighten up workplace wellness
COVID-19 has accelerated the shift in how the world works. It has also placed a significant strain on our personal and family security, income and wellbeing. Rising unemployment accounted for approximately a quarter of excess suicides during the 2008 Global Financial Crisis (GFC). The United Project focuses on the prevention of mental ill-health, through early detection.Their programs cover transformation of the workplace to steer  wellbeing in a positive direction, both mentally and physically.
14 November 2021 by Matt Levy



IdeaSpies now a Top 100 Innovation Blog
Looking for the best ideas and stories featuring innovation? IdeaSpies is now rated no. 27 on this list of top 100 Innov
13 November 2021 by IdeaSpies



How To Teach Children About Mental Health
Although we'd like to think children aren't affected by poor mental health, the reality is they are.Mental health issues have been on the rise in children and have been further amplified by the pandemic. But there are ways we can talk to children about mental health, such as using the emotional volcano to explain how holding in our emotions can be bad.There are also a lot of self-care ideas you can do with children, such as creating stories together.To find out more, click the link below:
9 November 2021 by Unwanted Life


4 November 2021 by Sean Hall