I A major benefit of the improvements in innovation have been the health and well-being sector.Reports show we are navigating through a global mental health crisis, with approximately 15.5% of the world's population being affected by mental health issues. Some examples of how technology can help improve mental health care Lol and make treatment more accessible for those who need it.Artificial IntelligenceTelemedicine and Online TherapyMobile Apps for Health MonitoringAccess to More Accurate TreatmentReduction in human error This can be explained in more detail at:https://swaay.com/mind-and-tech-how-technology-is-bridging-gaps-in-mental-health-careHealth is about all of us being more informed.
Exercise is a great way to start the day according to an article https://www.newsletter.co.uk/health/how-taking-more-exercise-could-really-boost-your-creativity-3210516.Neuroscientist and author, Wendy Suzuki, suggests that the instant boost we receive from exercising can last for at least two hours and exercising before tackling a creative project could lead to a valuable boost in your positivity and willingness to try new ideas.This exercise routine is best done outdoors, where the increased light creates serotonin in the body to help enhance the thinking process.Exercise enhances creativity through both physical and mental energy.
Daniel Kahneman is one of the most influential psychologists of all time. His work is highly regarded on the psychology of judgment and decision-making as well as behavioral economics, for which he was awarded the 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. He is author of the bestselling book Thinking, Fast and Slow and co-author of the recent book Noise: A Flaw in Judgment. In 2013, Kahneman received the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Barack Obama.LISTEN > https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/daniel-kahneman-a-remarkable-life-fast-and-slow/id942777522?i=1000517242972