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Here comes Australia’s first comprehensive national wellbeing index
Australians are travelling towards an unknown future without a map. We have no agreed idea about where we are headed to or what we would prefer to become as a nation by 2030, 2040 or 2050. Nor do we have a clear picture of where we are starting from in the early 2020s. However, a new consolidated National Wellbeing Index is now being built to show the current facts of our social, environmental, economic and democratic wellbeing. The National Wellbeing Index is being developed and published in “Australia Together”, our nation’s first long term plan. See the Index at:
20 May 2021 by Bronwyn Kelly



Finding Your Way Made Simple!
RightHear is an accessibility solution technology that gives blind, visually impaired, and orientation-challenged individuals the independence they deserve by providing them with tools to better orient themselves in public spaces.The app works in open and closed public spaces. If the user chose to use the app in indoor mode – the application extracts the information from the sensors installed in the place. If the user chose to use the app in outdoor mode – the application extracts the information from an open-source map. The app is free to download on Android and iOS
20 May 2021 by Matt Levy



Hacks to turn pain into joy
The best way to attract what you want into life is to feel as good as possible at all times. Why?Underneath all of your ego’s garbage thoughts is an innate, loving, open, joyful presence.You have the highest vibration presence deep within you, but like on a rainy day the sun is obscured by clouds above it. Read more here:
17 May 2021 by Nina McPherso...



How Nature Can Be Amazing For Your Mental Health
One tool in the fight against poor mental health and the development of mental health conditions is nature. More and more studies are showing us the importance of embracing nature for our mental health, so what can we do to tap into that? Well, anything from walking in a park, having pot plants around your home,  going to the beach, etc. So for Mental Health Awareness Week, what will you do to embrace nature for your mental health?To find out more...
12 May 2021 by Unwanted Life



Can people-pleasing be inherited?
Neither my mother nor my father would ever say a bad word about anyone. If they had nothing nice to say, they said nothing at all.
5 May 2021 by Nina McPherso...



Posture 101: How to Improve Posture
Posture is simply the position of your spine and limbs when standing or sitting. It is also aptly defined as ‘approach
2 May 2021 by Nina McPherso...