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A brain computer interface
Elon Musk's company Neuralink has announced groundbreaking progress on its Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology. The company's brain implants, connected via Bluetooth to an external controller, are designed to first treat patients with cervical fractures and neurological disorders, allowing them to restore somewhat normal function. Long-term, they will be made available to the general population for enhanced capability, or to enable AI enhancement of our brains. A breakthrough enabling Neuralink's technology is the development of flexible electrode threads with a diameter measuring one-tenth the width of a human hair. These can be inserted into the uppermost levels of the human cortex. 1,024 of these threads attach to a single small Neuralink chip that is embedded into the skull, just below your scalp.
22 July 2019 by IdeaSpies


21 July 2019 by Michael Sharp...


13 July 2019 by Michael Sharp...



Free portable wifi
We checked in to our room at the Astoria Hotel Vienna today to find this gadget near our bed. It offers free portable wifi. You take it out of the backing case and it gives you wifi for 20 hours courtesy of the hotel. With offers like this there's no need to buy SIM cards when you travel or pay extra for global roaming!
9 July 2019 by IdeaSpies



External liquid cooler for desktop computer
The standard fan cooler used inside computers takes too much space thus limiting insertion of better hardware. One of the methods used to improve computer performance is to use a liquid cooler to prevent overheating. Most current liquid coolers are placed internally, however there is the potential for leaking and extra noise. Our team has designed an external liquid cooling system which means more space for hardware in the computer while avoiding damage caused by leaking. Our cooling system? increases the efficiency and security of the CPU.
6 July 2019 by fyx5620392



Fight fires using oxygen starvation bombs
We could use oxygen starvation bombs made out of dry ice to fight fires in confined and open spaces .  
2 July 2019 by olegk