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3 September 2019 by Angus M Robin...



The world's first plastic neutral nation
Australian technology donated to a Southeast Asian nation aims to recycle 20,000 tonnes of plastic each year. Timor-Leste is a target for ocean plastics, and much washes up on their pristine beaches. The country will get a new $60 million recycling plant, with work due to start next year. The plant will help process all their plastic waste and the government is aiming for it to become the world's first plastic neutral nation. Plastic neutral means no used plastics will enter the environment as waste, and will instead be recycled into new products.
1 September 2019 by IdeaSpies



A new way to work remotely
Double 3 is a self-driving, two-wheeled videoconferencing robot that revolutionises the way you work remotely. You are likely to s
31 August 2019 by IdeaSpies



A day in the future surrounded by glass
In Corning's A Day Made of Glass videos, you see a world with seamless delivery of real-time information, where people stay connected through a virtual world at their fingertips, and where everyday surfaces are transformed from one-dimensional utilities into sophisticated electronic devices. Ideas in the video are now becoming a reality.
27 August 2019 by IdeaSpies



A device that enhances sporting performance
This wireless GPS device is a small and lightweight wearable. It tracks micro-movements in real time, providing instantaneous monitoring of accelerations, changes in directions, heart rates and force applied on knees and ankles. The data can be used to measure the practice workload of players and monitor fatigue that could increase the risk of injury. It was born out of collaboration between the Australian Institute of Sport and the Cooperative Research Centres.
24 August 2019 by IdeaSpies



Driverless vehicles that "see" you
People don't trust driverless vehicles so Jaguar is testing having them make eye contact with you. If this test is successful we could be surrounded by IdeaSpies eyes!
24 August 2019 by IdeaSpies