Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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Australia Should Establish Universal and Free Childcare
Australia should support all families with free childcare. This would help with the liberal democratic principle of equal opportunity as it would:   1.     Give all children the benefit of early development of basic learning and social skills, so critical to their future development and life opportunities; 2.     Give parents the opportunity to study, train, work and build some financial independence, without their children missing out on support in their development or the heavy cost impost of privately funded childcare (the cost of private childcare is particularly burdensome or unaffordable for those on low incomes).
11 June 2020 by Glenn Barnes



Virtual Courageous Conversations Creates Inclusive Discussion for Employees
Starbucks management in the USA hosted a company-first virtual forum to seek employee feedback about the case of Ahmaud Arber
6 June 2020 by Rachel Worsle...



Adapting Work Practices To Keep Autistic Employees Engaged
auticon Ltd, a consultancy that employs autistic adults, adapted its guidance documents for neurodiverse employees when told they
23 May 2020 by Rachel Worsle...



Tenancy Skills Course To Prevent Evictions
The tenancy skills course provided by Impact Community Services is helping more people understand their obligations in the re
14 May 2020 by Rachel Worsle...



App Helps Create Authentic Friendships for Autistic Kids
Founder and CEO of Making Authentic Relationships, Juliana Featherman, created an interactive web application that enables childre
14 April 2020 by Rachel Worsle...



Great mask innovation for the deaf and hard of hearing
This mask has been designed by a student for people who are profoundly deaf and use sign language as their primary mode of communi
6 April 2020 by IdeaSpies