Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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Job Coaches Help Autistic People Thrive in the Workplace
Improving employment outcomes for autistic people should be based on an "ecosystem" of support from employers, coaches and employe
19 August 2020 by Rachel Worsle...



A pendant that turns speech into text
Senstone can be attached to clothes or hung on one’s neck as a pendant. With just one click, the device starts transforming speech into text with 97% precision. It’s the dream of all students: now you don’t have to write down lecture notes! The pendant "understands" 12 languages.Sources:https://www.senstone.io
28 July 2020 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...



Ignoring information increases productivity
A new report from scientists states that ignoring information is actually liable to make you more productive and efficient in the long run. The trick is being able to filter the information we actually need from the information we don’t. The report states that the human brain is more productive when it is given time to learn what distracting information it can disregard.
26 July 2020 by Keerthana-Ved...



How to DIY Deaf-Friendly Masks Using Common Craft Items
Surgical masks cover up the lips of people, which have made it more difficult for deaf adults to do lip-reading and communicate wi
23 July 2020 by Rachel Worsle...



Black Lives Matter Street Mural
Street mural in front of Trump Tower in New York City was vandalized a few hours after this photo with white paint by a counter protester.
19 July 2020 by Sabra Brock



A coeducational college for first nation peoples, based on these leadership and learning principles, is worthy of considerati
28 June 2020 by Glenn Barnes