Pollexy is a special needs verbal assistant that lets caretakers schedule audio task prompts?and messages both on a recurring schedule and/or on-demand. Caretakers can schedule regular medicine reminder?messages or hourly bathroom break messages, for example, and at the same time use their Amazon Echo and mobile device to request a specific message be played immediately. Caretakers can even set it up so that the person needs to confirm that they?ve heard the message.
Raspberry Ripple is a Disability Led theatre company aiming to create compelling theatre of a professional standard using disabled and mainstream performers, writers, directors, designers and technical artists as well as a pathway into the mainstream performing arts for disabled performers. https://pozible.com/project/launch-raspberry-ripple-productions
Despite 1 in 4 young people suffering a mental health issue by the end of adolescence, mental health issues are not openly discussed and remain the ?elephant in the room?. Batyr is a national organisation that provides young people as speakers to talk about mental issues they faced and encourage others to find solutions. The Funding Network and Macquarie have recently supported their cause. You can as well by buying these socks from their website. http://www.batyr.com.au/