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4 May 2020 by lynnwood



A new app for official COVID-19 information
The AustralianGovernment has launched Coronavirus Australia, a new app for official COVID-19 information, as well as a Whatsapp fe
29 March 2020 by lynnwood


18 March 2020 by lynnwood



Top Tips for working from Home
These top 6 tips from the World Economic Forum are helpful, with an extra one from me as Chief Idea Spy! They are very relevant now given so many have to work from home.1. The number one rule of working from home is… leave the house! You’ve got to get out at some point during the working day. 2. Move around the house. 3. Put some boundaries around work 4. Stay focused and switch off distractions. 5. Have some social interaction. 6. Remember that you are in control of the environment when you work from home. 7. Look smart- if you wear pyjamas make sure they’re fashionable
16 March 2020 by lynnwood


Real-time reporting of election donations
Guardian Australia ran an event in Sydney tonight with their journalists talking about ideas to make Australia better. This idea was from David Marr. He is regarded as one of Australia's most influential commentators, and is the recipient of four Walkley awards for journalism
5 February 2020 by lynnwood



Community Consultation made Fun
Question: Do you want more car parking or more green space?  The District Council of Yankalilla, South Australia, went to the community to help determine the future of the Normanville Foreshore. Instead of using a tick box questionnaire they set up 6 stations which were staffed, so that alongside this visual activity was someone listening to the commentary and capturing comments. Council staff loved the opportunity to connect with the community and hear what they had to say.  This station clearly illustrates the preference of the community when it comes to the question of preference of green space vs car parking spaces.
12 January 2020 by lynnwood