Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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Aussie tech improving rural healthcare
Coviu brings easy digital consultations to rural and regional Australians. The cloud-based healthcare tool makes visiting your doctor possible online. It's a video consultation platform that removes the need for you to be physically present at consultations. There are features like interactive whiteboards and the ability to share images, files and x-rays. As a result, clinicians can easily explain diagnoses and procedures. Coviu is a spinout of CSIRO's Data61, and one of the first companies to receive investment from the Innovation Fund managed by Main Sequence Ventures.
18 October 2019 by lynnwood



New cancer- killing radiotherapy
Israeli innovators have redesigned the world’s most successful and expensive cancer-killing radiotherapy machine, reducing its massive size and making it more affordable for more countries – including Australia.
16 October 2019 by lynnwood



Using augmented reality in prawn farming
Aussies love their prawns and we grow some of the best and biggest prawns in the world. Farmers spend a lot of time and effort monitoring their ponds and making sure the water conditions keep their prawns healthy and thriving. Currently, monitoring water quality for most farms is very slow and labour intensive. State-of-the-art wearable and hands-free technologies are changing the game. New tech from CSIRO gives farmers immediate pond-side understanding of key water quality parameters and trends. It takes live sensor data captured in ponds and uses machine learning to forecast key water quality variables 24 hours into the future. It will help the farmers get early notification if the water quality starts to change for the worse - a world first for prawn farming.
16 October 2019 by lynnwood



A wearable that allows a deaf person to feel music
The Sound Shirt jacket allows a deaf person to feel vocals or instrumentals on their skin. Live music is translated into data in real-time and then communicated to the wearer via sensors embedded in the fabric of the garment.
14 October 2019 by lynnwood



Community collaboration to produce a Graveyard Tour
Three community groups on Long Island NY collaborated to produce a Graveyard Tour this month. "Widows" in Victorian dress guided us to tombstones of historically prominent local people where actors in costume portrayed them. The last actor, dressed as a Victorian era undertaker, told us about customs for burials at that time including the practice of photographing dead people. The three community groups are the Mattituck-Laurel Historical Society, Mattituck Presbyterian Church and North Fork Community Theatre.
13 October 2019 by lynnwood



A computer game to diagnose mental health
Within five years, you may be able to walk into a psychiatric clinic and play a computer game that analyses your decision-making and figures out whether you have a range of mental health disorders. Instead of a clinician asking about how you’re sleeping and eating, you may be asked to play a game and be assessed using AI. This could revolutionise mental health diagnosis.
11 October 2019 by lynnwood