Australia's first national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth mental health campaign led by youth was developed by an indigenous creative agency.
Hireup is an online platform that is changing the way Australians with disability find, hire and manage their own support workers, along with recent changes in legislation. Previously people with disability had to accept support work on someone else?s terms. The new approach encourages investment in technology and the community. The Hireup platform is designed to be secure, easy to use and flexible, benefitting both people who need services and those who provide them. It matches people with a disability and support workers not just on qualification but on shared interests.
TOM is a non-profit organization that hosts Makeathons to inspire people with tech abilities to help people with disabilities who are challenged in their everyday lives. The Makeathons are 72-hour events that are held to meet a ?call for challenge? and a ?call for talent? and are planned months in advance. Organised and run by volunteers, the Makeathons use open source design and coding to create new, customised and practical solutions, that are a direct response to personal needs.
In a world-first, surgeons have implanted a visual stimulator chip in the brain of a 30-year-old woman. The patient, who has been totally blind for seven years, saw coloured flashes, lines and spots when signals were sent to her brain from a computer. Her doctors are now planning to send footage from a tiny video camera to the brain, which could provide the world's first bionic eye and restore sight to millions.
The technology bypasses the eyes, meaning it has the potential to restore sight even to those who have lost an eye or become blinded by cancer.