Researchers at RMIT (Australia) have developed a solar paint that can absorb water vapour and split it to generate hydrogen. Hydrogen is a clean source of energy, used in fuel cells and as combustion fuel. Imagine exterior walls of homes and buildings as the source for the energy they use.
Pooled Energy is a unique Electricity Retailer providing a new bundled service of electricity, pool automation and energy management. When you're a Pooled Energy customer, Pooled Energy is the electricity retailer for your home, including your swimming pool. They will only sign you on as a new customer if you have a pool. Pools are managed individually for energy and water condition, and in groups to minimise load on the Grid.
In Portugal the world's first hydro-solar power plant has commenced operation. The Alto Rabago dam, near the country's northern border with Spain, added 840 floating solar panels earlier this year, Floating solar panels offer a means of expanding hydroelectric plant's energy capacity without embarking on costly dam reconstruction.
Reposit is intelligence software that integrates with solar battery systems to learn your energy habits, optimising your system to save you money, and the environment.
According to MIT researchers 3D solar towers can generate anywhere from double up to 20 times the amount of energy as flat solar panels with the same base area. These 3D designs increase electricity output because their vertical surfaces allow them to capture sunlight even when the sun is closest to the horizon during mornings, evenings and winter and when sunlight is partially obstructed by shadows or cloud cover.