Fifty new street side, public electric vehicle chargers are being rolled out across Sydney and the Hunter, under the Intellihub EV Streetside Charging project. The chargers are mounted on carefully selected electric power poles. The chargers will connect to the Ausgrid electricity network and Origin Energy is providing 100% accredited GreenPower for the ARENA supported project.
People have been looking to turn municipal sewage into useful things like electricity, biochar or biofuels for many years.Often biofuels require a blend of feedstocks, but a UK firm, Firefly Green Fuels, has just produced a jet fuel from 100% human poo with a near identical chemical compositions as A1 (fossil) jet fuel. And while not a zero-emission option, it does have a carbon footprint 90% less than conventional jet fuel, it doesn't require additional land use to grow the biofuel stock and its already pretty abundant!
Japanese car manufacturer, Mazda and Hiroshima University have been working on lower CO2 fuels since 2015. A key area of focus has been on the DNA a specific seaweed (Nannochloropsis oceanica). This algae grows rapidly and produces a high concentration of lipids (fats) which make it perfect for biodiesel - which can be used in most combustion engines.
Energy poverty is often defined as the point at which households are spending 10% or more of their after-tax income on household energy bills. When energy consumes at least 10% of your available income, and you are also covering basics like food, water, rent, clothes etc. There isn't much left for the installation of solar panels, battery & other energy saving technologies, or even decent insulation. But in the UK their most modern social housing units are not just Net Zero but carbon negative. New homes in Derby 'generate more energy than they use' - BBC News 
Vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFB) offer a number of advantages over lithium-ion options; they are non-flammable and non-explosive. They can handle more charge-discharge cycles without degradation and while they may carry a lower energy density than lithium-ion, they can release it more consistently and for longer - so they offer genuine long-term storage options. But like lithium-ion batteries, they need an electrolyte (the liquid inside which supports the electrochemical reactions needed to produce energy). Domestic production of the right electrolyte helps reduce VRFB costs making it even more cost-competitive against lithium-ion options! 
Tibber is the world's first fully digital energy company selling wholesale renewable energy to customers. They can also connect all your smart devices and automatically optimise your energy consumption for you. You can also control your consumption yourself via the app, whilst receiving real-time and forecasted wholesale pricing information. Perhaps most interestingly, Tibber is an energy company that wants you to reduce the amount of energy you consume - ideally by at least 20% - why? Because the "greenest energy is the energy you don't use".