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Forget Lithium-ion - Try these surprising materials!
The race continues to find more abundant, more sustainable, safer and better performing alternatives to lithium. This article discusses some of the more surprising ones being researched - from cotton to lignin to melon seed shells!
2 December 2023 by Kylie Hargrea...


1 December 2023 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...



Solar panel waste, replacing virgin sand
An Australian start-up company called Elecsome has spent 4 years developing Solarcrete, a nano-engineered pre-mix concrete product made from end-of-life solar panels ( glass fines). The idea is to be a more sustainable alternative to virgin sand, reducing the need for sand by 50-80% in applications such as driveways, pathways and curbs.
24 November 2023 by Kylie Hargrea...



Vertical solar - straight up better
High temperatures reduce the efficiency of our solar panels, so one very simple way to cool them and improve their efficiency is to install them vertically!
14 November 2023 by Kylie Hargrea...



Vanadium batteries - utility scale, long-lasting back-up power
A vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB), is reportedly very competitive to lithium-ion battery options when looking at grid-scale storage. Why? They are apparently more easily scaled-up, can release charge over a far-more extended period of time (10 - 18 hours) and can reportedly be charged and discharged an unlimited number of times with no capacity degradation - meaning they last decades. Oh - any they also don't catch on fire as easily as lithium-ion batteries either.'We%20Were%2020%20Years%20Too%20Early'<
29 October 2023 by Kylie Hargrea...


4 October 2023 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...