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Energy for all at all times
1414 Degrees has developed storage technology using the latent energy characteristics of molten silicon which is scalable from a few megawatt hours to many hundreds of megawatt hours, is site agnostic, has no operational fuel costs, is environmentally benign during it's 25 year operating life cycle and has no environmental impact on decommissioning. The prototype plant has been running since September 2016 at the Tonsley Park Innovation Precinct in South Australia and the first commercial model will be installed in 2017. Power networks the world over can only fully rely on renewables generation when there is reliable, scalable and readily accessible energy storage available.
3 September 2017 by lynnwood



Sharing electricity by bluetooth
My idea is about sharing electricity by Bluetooth. Bluetooth can wirelessly transmit relatively small amounts of data over a short range (<100m). Its networks use a master/slave model to control when and where devices can send data. What if these networks could also send electricity? A startup called Energous has been working on this.
3 September 2017 by lana



A machine that can generate and store electricity
This Chemical Looping Energy on Demand System is said to be able to replace hot water systems and air conditioners, plus generate electricity, and store energy for when you need it. It uses natural gas to operate around the clock and create energy on demand.
3 September 2017 by sandy



A solar powered boat in the Amazon
This new boat will be used by the Achuar people within their territory of Ecuador and Peru which remains roadless and pristine. Walking and canoes that use gasoline are the main means of transportation for the Achuar. But their territory has a vast network of rivers and tributaries, and plenty of sun, meaning that an environmentally-friendly alternative to the gas boats which do not reflect the Achuar's commitment to protect their rainforest home is now possible.
3 September 2017 by mike



An energy community
Brooklyn Microgrid is creating a local, neighborhood-powered grid that could operate in parallel to the main grid. One of the appeals of a microgrid is its potential to provide electricity to homes even if the main grid goes down. They are laying the groundwork for a future in which communities produce their own electricity based on a blockchain technology where neighbors can buy and sell solar energy that they generate.
3 September 2017 by angel



A solar powered machine that recycles waste into tiles
This Trashpresso machine holds a complete mobile waste recycling plant capable of upcycling plastic and fabric waste into architectural tiles. A key element is the solar panels on its exterior, which means that it doesn't require access to the grid or a generator to produce enough electricity for the waste upcycling processes. Another is its size that allows it to be moved nearly anywhere a tractor trailer can reach, including remote locations.
3 September 2017 by idealist