On the 25th of each month there is a free concert allowing guests to enjoy a performance by a young musician in the lobby of the Hotel Okura Tokyo. A glass of complimentary sparkling wine is also served. This is part of a program established by the hotel to support art and culture. http://www.hotelokura.co.jp/tokyo/en/mecenat/
All species of sea turtle are now classed as endangered. In Sri Lanka you can visit a hatchery that increases the baby turtle survival rate from 1% to 10%. Eggs are gathered from the beach and buried in a protected area. When the baby turtles are hatched they are kept for two days then released at night on the beach. You can see and hold them at the hatchery with older examples of different turtles.
The World Trade Organization has upheld Australia's right to impose plain-package label restrictions on the sale of tobacco products, dealing a blow to the cigarette industry. A WTO dispute-settlement panel backed Australia's argument that the rules it set in 2011 don't violate trade law because they qualify as a legitimate public health measure. More countries are now expected to introduce plain-package laws, one of the most popular ideas on IdeaSpies. http://www.ideaspies.com/post/clever-legislation-stops-branding-on-cigarette-packets/