Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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PeaceMakers helping to stop domestic violence and human trafficking
My Choices Foundation was born from the desire to see families become the focus of prevention and transformation of the most pervasive and intractable forms of injustice against women and girls - domestic violence and human trafficking. Elca Grobler, an AGSM MBA graduate, established this Foundation and was featured at the 40th year celebration of the AGSM last week.
28 March 2017 by lynnwood



The top idea from the Ashurst March 2017 Boardroom Lunch
Three ideas were selected from Idea Spies at the Ashurst Boardroom Lunch and the idea that received the most votes was no. 3- sand from recycled beer bottles. This idea now goes to the final at the December Boardroom Lunch to select the top idea for the year.
23 March 2017 by lynnwood



Free fruit for kids at the entrance to a grocery store
Woolworths in Randwick has trays offering free fruit for kids at their entrance. This clever idea is great for parents (keeps their kids quiet while they're shopping) and great for the kids as well ( healthy food).
21 March 2017 by lynnwood



Land-based fish farms
Imagine a world where polluting, resource-intensive cow, pig, and chicken farms are replaced with giant tanks of fast-growing salmon. Such a land-based farm already exists.
14 March 2017 by lynnwood



Girl faces charging bull
On International Women's Day 2017 State Street Global Advisors issued a strong statement about gender equality and installed a statue of a little girl, fists on hips, in front of the famous charging bull of Wall Street. The money manager, with roughly $2.5 trillion under management, announced it would pressure 3,500 companies worth $30 trillion in market cap to aim for gender parity on their boards.
9 March 2017 by lynnwood



An initiative to end indigenous disadvantage in a generation
GenerationOne, an initiative of the Minderoo Founation, aims to break down indigenous stereotypes and negative opinions by promoting stories of success and opportunity. It promotes other organisations that are doing good work in the fields of education and employment. Its flagship initiative is the Australian Employment Covenant which aims to build the demand for an Indigenous workforce by securing 50,000 sustainable jobs for Indigenous Australians, to break their vicious cycle of unemployment and poverty..
8 March 2017 by lynnwood