Per capita, Australians produce a reported 24 kgs of e-waste each year. Recycling e-waste plastics is particularly tricky as it is a mix of up to 20 different resin types, so separation, reuse and recycling becomes tricky.But combine some German smarts with a vision to be Australia's leading 'urban miner' and you get Australia's first e-waste plastic recycling facility that can separate and retain the valuable resins for re-use.
Corrosion Instruments (CI) has developed a new proprietary system for the monitoring of cathodic protection (CP) on large buried metallic structures such as pipelines, tanks, tunnels, bridges and wharves and other critical infrastructure valued at billions of dollars.See
Solid Rocket Propellant is one variety of the fuel that drives rockets skyward. Burning at more than 2,000 degrees Celsius, it is a complex, highly energetic and precise chemical mixture that can be cast in a variety of shapes and sizes. When a special formula containing an oxidiser and a fuel are combined, a highly combustible reaction creates the thrust to launch the fastest and most complex machines ever built.See
Fusetec are revolutionising medical training using advanced additive manufacturing of human body parts for use as teaching aids during surgical training. Body parts complete with realistic, anatomically accurate bone, skin and muscle.See