The world?s first trackless train recently went on a trial run. Train tracks on city streets could be a thing of the past. China has unveiled a train that travels on ?virtual tracks?. The Autonomous Rail Transit (ART) uses sensors to run along invisible tracks on city streets. The sensors send the information back to the train?s central control unit to help it travel smoothly. More than 300 people can ride on the ART, which is comprised of three carriages in its basic state. It has rubber wheels with plastic cores. The ART is powered by electricity, so it won?t give off carbon emissions as traditional trains do. Watch
A dexterous multi-fingered robot has been created at the University of California. It practiced using virtual objects in a simulated world and learned what kind of grip should work for different items by studying a vast data set of 3-D shapes and suitable grasps. When a new object is placed in front of it, the robot?s deep-learning system quickly figures out what grasp the arm should use. The creation of this robot shows how machine learning and the cloud could revolutionise manual work where precision and consistency are key.