Many studies have confirmed that napping is good for our health and improves mood, memory, productivity and creativity. ?BlueSleep sells a space age pod that has sleep-inducing music and is designed for the perfect nap.?
Care Guidance matches and places people who need aged care with providers. As well as a tech service they offer personal advice to take the stress out of the transition.
Surgeo is an online tool and service of the healthcare logistics company Allevion, Inc. that helps you simplify the process of searching for and choosing a surgery package. It lets you compare these packages by surgeon, price, and location and aims to deliver quality, value, and convenience through choices of surgery packages.
All major fast food outlets and large supermarkets will have to show the kilojoule count of their takeaway food from the middle of next year under legislation being introduced into the Victorian Parliament of Australia. Other Australian states have similar laws.
A recent study found that the mice born to mothers that exercised during pregnancy were about 50 percent more physically active than those born to mothers who did not exercise. Importantly, their increased activity persisted into later adulthood, and even improved their ability to lose fat during a three-week voluntary exercise program. This study supports the idea that movement during pregnancy influences fetal brain development, making the offspring tend to be more physically active throughout life.