The University of Melbourne and Monash University are collaborating to launch M2 Venture Catalyst, a $80 million project that plans to commercialise their biomedical research. This venture is expected to work with hospitals, medical research institutes and commercial organisations to support new companies, increase investment and exports, create jobs in the sector and enable the fast-tracking of the development of new medicines to market. Previously commercialisation of such research has often been going offshore.
Pawmetrics is developing a site to allow you to be more in control of your pet's health. Their team is passionate about animals, their health and care and want to disrupt the vet and animal care industry. By giving you gain first hand knowledge about your pet, they're planning to change the way you interact with your veterinarian.
This tamagotchi-style water bottle with a pet on a screen is expected to be hugely popular with children, just as tamagotchi were when my daughter was growing up. It should also be very popular with parents who want to encourage their children to drink water rather than soft drinks. Kids first chose a pet for this smart bottle, and set goals according to their age and size. Their pet grows as they hit their drinking target. They can even take their pet on virtual adventures in the Gululu Universe with a companion app and connect their pets by waving them at eachother. The bottles will come with wireless charging stations, and parents can keep tabs of hydration levels and view drinking patterns over time.
Modiface is well known for its apps that allow you to update high res photos of yourself then edit them to make yourself look perfect! They have recently developed a new augmented reality feature, based on their detailed skin analysis and developed in conjunction with health care professionals, that they say will provide insights into how to make skin healthier and rejuvenated. ModiFace hopes that these live, 3D visualisations will help you better understand and evaluate your skin health.
Hair loss is a problem that impacts both men and women, but there are very few treatments that are effective in both sexes and even fewer with known mechanism of action. Advangen's CEO Maria Halasz discovered this first hand when she began to lose her hair when she turned 40, and after trying everything on the market began to lose hope. Advangen scientists have since formulated the evokes tonics that have been clinically proven as effective in reducing hair loss in high proportions of men and women.