MyGolgi is a wearable device with a sensor that's placed on your body which can provide feedback on your posture via your mobile device. It can warn you when you're doing an activity that may aggravate your back pain, such as sitting poorly for long periods of time and lifting incorrectly. Through this capture of information during daily life, health professionals should be able to make more informed decisions about your pain and treat it more effectively and efficiently. It's planning to be the world's first biomechanical tracker that's adaptable and able to be worn long term.
Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes can cause swelling in the feet which can lead to ulcers and even to amputations. Siren Care?s socks for diabetics use smart textile technology to monitor the temperature of the skin on your feet. If a high temperature is detected an alert is sent to your smartphone app so you can have your foot checked.
Vetchat is Australia?s first on demand vet service, providing vet advice for a fixed fee so problems can be resolved as soon as they arise. They offer one on one consultations via smartphone or desktop, with easy to follow treatment plans.
DermaTec?s alcohol detection patch is worn directly on the skin, much like nicotine patches worn by smokers. The difference is that, instead of releasing a product into your body, it changes colour depending on the amount of alcohol that has been drunk. From white to very dark blue, the patch moves through a range of shades of blue, allowing you to tell at a glance when you need to book a cab or get a lift with a friend.
If you feel stressed and like routine and discipline this device could appeal to you. It aims to give you reduced anxiety or a calmer, focused mind and has a 30 day trial period.