Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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Drug addiction prevented by vaccination
One of the best defences we have against viral infections is vaccination. Vaccines prime the body's immune system to fight an incoming infection and have been credited with the widespread eradication of smallpox and the near-eradication of polio. There are nine vaccines currently in development that could dramatically change how humans live. They include vaccines for cancer, HIV, malaria and drug addiction.
4 August 2017 by oliver



A vaccine for diabetes
A vaccine for type 1 diabetes developed by Finnish researchers will be tested on human subjects in late 2018. The scientists first found that the prototype works effectively and safely on mice, and now say?that the vaccine could be in mainstream use within eight years if the coming rounds of tests prove successful.
1 August 2017 by sandy


29 July 2017 by massey



World-first bone glue
Australian biotech startup Trimph?has developed a new treatment for osteoarthritis, bone defects and maxillofacial disorders. ?The company?s first product, TrimphDent, has been developed specifically for dental applications and aims to improve success rates and recovery from oral surgeries.
26 July 2017 by angel



VR to help in pain management
Promising results from burn management have led to broader use of virtual reality in an array of medical settings, including the type of chronic pain that leads to opioid abuse.
18 July 2017 by emma



A wristband that accesses your critical medical data
WRIXO is a high-tech ID wristband. In place of words engraved directly on the bracelet, a QR code directs medical professionals to your unique profile in the Cloud. It also contains a Near Field Communication, or NFC, chip embedded inside. All first responders have to do is tap their NFC-enabled smart device to the wearable, or if they don?t have NFC capabilities, scan the band?s QR code with their phone. From there, they can access personal data such as family history, doctors? notes, current medications, emergency contacts, and blood type.
16 July 2017 by angel