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A tattoo that monitors your health
Researchers have developed a tattoo ink that could provide real-time updates on your body's health. You would have the ink tattooed onto your body and the tattoo would then change color according to the amount of the activating agent present. A tattoo using the ink designed to respond to glucose levels, for example, would change color from blue to brown your blood sugar level rises.
15 June 2017 by angel



A new online course that combats binge drinking
A new online course for schools called Climate Schools has been proven to halve the rate of kids binge drinking and delay drinking. My daughter did a project at school on binge drinking and found out that the way to help prevent it is to focus on negative reaction from peers rather than negative outcomes like headaches, or danger- a key reason I liked this approach. Binge drinking is a huge problem with kids today and needs a solution. More schools should subscribe to this course to help.
14 June 2017 by angel


10 June 2017 by idealist



The Ready Glove
The Ready Glove is a disposable ambidextrous medical glove with a convenient list of basic vital signs printed on its outer surface. This allows first responders (like me, Rural Fire Brigade medic) the opportunity to record a baseline set of vitals without having to find a notebook; and I can keep referring to it during patient care without having to consult said notebook.
8 June 2017 by aussiephil



A step toward "quake-proof" hands?
Steadiwear has taken technology used to construct earthquake-proof buildings, called smart fluid dampers, to create a glove that stabilizes the wrist joints for those with hand tremors and Parkinson's disease. More at
2 June 2017 by ideascape



The key to early cancer detection
A new algorithm that detects the early formation of blood vessels could lead to early diagnosis of malignant tumours and improved success rates of treatment. To progress clinical trials in humans, CSIRO researchers are looking for 3D imaging technologies and partnering with a hardware manufacturer that can produce high-resolution images with safe levels of radiation for humans.
2 June 2017 by lynnwood