Have you
ever felt that your children's future is not secure and that you want to leave
a better world for them? Have you ever wondered if democracy could work better
for Australia and Australians? Don’t be despondent. There is a solution. We the
people can all increase our shares of power and influence in our democracy and
make politicians much better leaders. Find out how National IP&R makes it
possible for us to do this for the first time. It's easy, it's free and it's
rewarding. The more Australians that become involved, the more rewarding
it will be. https://www.austcfp.com.au/national-integrated-planning-and-reporting
“Senator Cash said she wanted to bring on a national ICAC bill
by the end of parliament’s current term, but would not say if the current
proposals would be significantly rewritten. “This is a bill we have to get
right … I do intend to bring something to the parliament,” she said.” Richard
Ferguson - The Australian 3/9/21
The long-promised establishment of an ICAC for our federal
government has been delayed for too long. Ongoing delays call into question the
commitment of federal politicians to bring their behaviours into line with those
expected of other leaders and professionals within society.
The recent UAP spam campaign and continued baulking of transparency
of political donations by both major political parties, once again brings focus as to why we should trust our politicians to set the rules that they
play by. It is us, the public, who pay the costs of political
governance, choose who is to govern, and are subject to the decisions made by politicians.
We deserve a high level of transparency, integrity and honesty in all that our
political parties and politicians do…and should not have our personal phones
invaded by political spam of questionable sources and quality.
PM Morrison is talking about the need for State Governments to deliver on “compacts with their people” over the opening of the country post
the 80% COVID vaccination level.
Every government in the Australian federation is elected with a compact
to govern responsibly and keep to their commitments. We have seen too little of
this over recent decades with many commitments made and walked away from due to
the political risks of implementing a policy where a vocal minority group, or favoured
party support group opposed.
We expect our politicians to serve the common good and live
up to their commitments.
After the Olympic Games was postponed in 2020, I didn’t think it would be a fair Games if it was to be held the following year- not because of the ROC competitors, but because the countries with fit athletes who could train, travel and be vaccinated would succeed, leaving in their wake the less fortunate countries that couldn’t afford to make the trade-off and send their Olympians to the unknown. Read my full article and make up your own mind on my ideas as to why Israel and Australia had a successful Olympics campaign! https://israeltrade.org.au/2021/08/11/20-olympics-in-21-amidst-covid-19-israel-and-australia-summary/