Yes Glenn- politicians should focus on the public interest, and keep their commitments.
That require thinking way out side the 20th century horse and buggy reality that created an unsustainable future due to short term thinking that tomorrow way down the road and then we have those that have closed mines to change. So would require Thinking 21st century sustainability, which would require finding the balance between freedom of choice and accountability under two realities. Humans for as advance as we have come. still not advanced enough to accept or in most cases now to go from were they are to were they can do more good than harm. Due to money or people in trusted places trained how to limit change. Based on rules that were never designed to handle a technology driven world and one reality. We have no border, just one very small planet based on 20th century horse and buggy that has a lot of good Foundation but now needs like anything created by man an overhaul, as we are now a Global community with an unsustainable future. Yet everything now if mature enough to not change what humans do but how they do it. Be accountable to a sustainable future and that does require using innovation and a lot of collaboration and a 21 sustainability investment system that does not change what we do but how we do it. Removing money and self interest from being at the head of the table to being at the table to actual help not look like they are helping. The young have already figured it out .