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National Integrated Planning & Reporting is a game changer in how power is shared in democracy

Have you ever felt that your children's future is not secure and that you want to leave a better world for them? Have you ever wondered if democracy could work better for Australia and Australians? Don’t be despondent. There is a solution. We the people can all increase our shares of power and influence in our democracy and make politicians much better leaders. Find out how National IP&R makes it possible for us to do this for the first time. It's easy, it's free and it's rewarding. The more Australians that become involved, the more rewarding it will be.

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IdeaSpies @ 2021.09.05 8:28 AM

Well done Bronwyn!

Can you offer a 10-12 point summary? This plan is very popular on IdeaSpies

Glenn Barnes @ 2021.09.05 12:00 PM

...also consider democratic renewal:

Bronwyn Kelly @ 2021.09.05 12:44 PM

Ten things we can get from National Integrated Planning & Reporting that we can’t get with politics

National Integrated Planning & Reporting gives us a way to work together to build the country and society we want to leave for future generations. It discards adversarial and divisive politics, recognising that it will not secure our future. All we need to do with National IP&R is say what we want for the future, say what we want to avoid along the way, say what would make us happy and say it in one place. The integration mechanism in the planning process does the rest. Anyone and everyone can get involved. If we use it well, National IP&R can:

1.       give us the best chance we will ever have to fix climate change within the decade;

2.       give us clarity about the other big issues we must fix in this decade if we wish to arrive safely in 2050 with an acceptable degree of wellbeing and security;

3.       secure the future for all of us in all our diversity, not just some of us;

4.       transform our entire economy, shifting it onto a decarbonised, socially just, highly intelligent and therefore highly productive footing that is strongly competitive in the 21st century;  

5.       carry every Australia safely across to that new economy, excluding no-one;

6.       revive our tattered democracy and make it work for the many, not just the few;

7.       establish a collaborative basis to build a new Constitution;

8.       help us form a fair agreement with future generations and present that as a clear new agenda for governments;

9.       make our politicians listen to us, concentrate on what matters most to us, and be much better leaders because they focus on the long term; and

10.   make agenda setting transparent and fair so that we can reverse growing inequality in Australia and growing corruption in our governments.

And this is just the start. Find out more about what we can fix with National IP&R – what we can cure, prevent, prepare for and grab as opportunities. Visit ACFP at

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