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A digital license for kids
Child psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg has written to the Australian Prime Minister recommending a digital license for school children to reduce online risks and tackle cyberbullying. A digital licence has already been developed by the Alannah and Madeline Foundation, which believes every child would benefit from it. The PM supports it saying "A digital license is important, in the same way that your kids get a pen license at school?.
12 February 2019 by IdeaSpies



Combining radio and Netflix
Spotify could build something between radio and Netflix. Like radio, Spotify can be the portal by which every consumer discovers and enjoys audio content. At the same time, Spotify seems increasingly interested in producing original, Spotify-exclusive content. If Spotify can successfully do both, it could become the default platform for both the discovery and production of original audio content.
8 February 2019 by lynnwood


1 February 2019 by IdeaSpies



Bringing life to an image
Researchers from the University of Washington and Facebook have developed a way to animate stationary characters in any image, resulting in them springing into action to sprint toward you out of the background. Most current AR applications are built for a specific image, like a billboard; this tool can identify a human silhouette, generate a 3D version of the person, and create a realistic animation for the figure to jump off the photo into the real world.
29 December 2018 by lynnwood



Art workshops in exotic places
Art Travel Adventures is a boutique art and travel company, which combines cultural experiences with art workshops in exotic locations. They bring together exceptional artists, skilled travel guides and local experts and combine this talent with accommodation in historic buildings, adventures in dining, cultural festivals and art workshops.?
30 November 2018 by lynnwood



A clever way for a real estate agency to be remembered
We visited a friend who had recently sold her house in Bowral. She showed us this wine given to her by the real estate agent who sold her house featuring it on the label- a clever way for the agency to be remembered and recommended for future sales.
28 November 2018 by angel