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3D optical scanning to restore a masterpiece
Optical scanning has been applied to generate a complete 3D model of the famous unfinished Adoration of the Magi by Leonardo da Vinci (Uffizi Gallery, Florence). Application of 3D optical scanning has proved to be of unique value for documenting spatial deformation suffered by panel paintings and can represent a reference tool for conservation.
25 June 2018 by IdeaSpies



Personalised gifts while you wait
I first discovered this shop in Venice a few years ago and bought a personalised apron for our daughter. She recently discovered one in Syracuse Sicily. I?m now in Florence and there?s one here near the Duomo. Surprising that there are not more around the world. A machinist sits at the window and embroiders any name that you like on their items.
22 June 2018 by emma



An installation that protects a national treasure
A special technical installation, a sort of "artificial lung?, is at the entrance to the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, Italy. The Chapel is a masterpiece in the history of painting in Italy and Europe in the 14th century. The special air-conditioned environment in the installation both purifies the air inside the Chapel and monitors its atmosphere continuously, in order to protect unique frescoes, some of the most important of all time. Groups of maximum 25 people wait at the door to the air-conditioned waiting-room to the chapel for 15 minutes, the time needed to stabilise the interior microclimate. They then enter the Chapel for another 15 minutes. Visits last a total of about 30 minutes. Automatic access doors open only once on entrance and exit, to allow stabilisation of the interior microclimate.
16 June 2018 by lynnwood



A wedding at a Tuscan Villa
Our son and his beautiful new bride planned their wedding at Villa Di Ulignano in the countryside of Volterra Italy. The Villa was
12 June 2018 by IdeaSpies



Indigenous flash cards
An easy way to teach children (and adults) Aboriginal symbols. They come in a bright coloured box great for children and for appreciating our cultural diversity in the workplace
4 May 2018 by observer1


20 April 2018 by Gillian Corba...