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Reducing stress in the workplace with LEGO

LEGO? Serious Play? reduces stress in the workplace according to a research study conducted in Taiwan (and carried in the World Journal of Research and Review). The study concluded that a LEGO? facilitated model nourishes interpersonal ties, eliminates negative emotions and promotes deeper reflective thinking.

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scott-simmerman @ 2018.02.15 7:12 AM
It is NOT just the LEGO, it is the engaging facilitation and the sharing of ideas and the teamwork and interactions that are what are important. It is not doing some stupid icebreaker to "warm people up" but facilitating a discussion about issues and opportunities that drive the reduction of stress. For the past 25 years, my team has developed and distributed a number of teambuilding tools that can be used to focus on organizational improvement and work to dis-un-empower and dis-un-engage people in the workplace. Understand that you cannot motivate people with extrinsic rewards -- they only work for some people. It is the intrinsic motivation that comes from active involvement and ownership that is motivating. We use LEGO is some of our exercises. LSP? is a different approach. And there are many other ways to do this. But understand that it is the SUPERVISOR that will drive improvement and engagement and motivation. What tools are you giving your supervisors to shift them from being perceived as beleaguers and terrorists into supported and trusted leaders? What do you allow them to do differently to make improvements? You cannot expect things to change if you continue to do things the same way. LEGO Serious Play is one way to approach this. There are many others. (And we have known about this for 50 years -- we just choose not to change how we manage...)

IdeaSpies @ 2018.02.15 7:12 AM
Good points Scott! We need leaders who can drive improvements through engagement and motivation. They need tools to do that. LEGO seems to be a good one. IdeasSpies is launching an idea capture tool later this month. Please let me know if you?re interested. Lynn

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