Smartflower is a fully integrated, all-in-one solar system that can be installed anywhere. If you ever have to move it, smartflower can be packed up and moved to a new site. Its smart tracking makes the most of the sun?s rays to generate energy. When the sun rises it automatically unfolds and starts producing electricity for you. When the sun sets it automatically folds itself back into a secure position and waits for sunrise.
Our world has changed, and so has the way we compile, access and verify information. The problem used to be a lack of information - now there is too much. But the age-old question still remains: who can you rely on? CVCheck has conducted more than 1,000 checks for private and government organisations, employers and individuals across 190 countries, all available on demand.
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a serious eye condition that can cause vision loss or even blindness. It affects about one in three people with diabetes. CSR researchers have just finished trialling a world-first, artificial intelligence-driven technology that enables GPs to scan people for DR. This technology detected signs of DR as effectively as the ophthalmologist. It could reduce unnecessary referrals, potentially reduce waiting periods for patients, and help ophthalmologists focus on patients who need treatment and surgery.
Australian researchers believe they have made an important step toward curing melanoma after its spread from the skin to the lymph nodes. Two international drug trials - led by investigators at Melanoma Institute Australia (MIA) - have proven successful in preventing the spread of the disease in Stage III melanoma patients whose tumours had been surgically removed. If identified early, melanoma is easily cured via surgical removal from the skin surface. However for about 15 per cent of melanoma patients the disease has spread to the lymph nodes which is classified as Stage III melanoma. Australia has one of the highest incidences of melanoma in the world.?
Bombora is an ocean energy company in Perth, Western Australia. Their mWave converters deliver environmentally friendly, large scale energy for national electricity grids. Bombora wave farms can be deployed in coastal locations throughout the world.