Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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See a doctor online
Push Doctor is a new medical service in the U.K. offering you a video consultation with a doctor at home. You can choose an appointment time or go into the online waiting room. Their competitive pricing is set up front and you can have your prescription sent to your local pharmacy and referrals emailed to you, as well as a sick note if needed. It's open 6am - 11pm, 7 days a week.
8 October 2017 by lynnwood



A farm that generates hydro electricity
This farm in Tasmania generates hydro electricity which it sells as well as uses.. Water for the system comes from a large dam on the property, which is fed by a creek. The water passes from the dam through a pipeline, which has a fall of about 100m, down to the hydro station. After it has passed through the station the water then flows back into the creek. The whole system can be controlled remotely from almost anywhere and there is minimal maintenance.
8 October 2017 by lynnwood



An electric plane that gets you to places faster, at less cost and with fewer emissions
A Boeing-backed start-up is planning to put a hybrid-electric aircraft into commercial service within five years. Zunum Aero's 12-seat plane will carry battery packs and a small fuel reserve for a back-up engine. They aim to get you to places faster, at less cost, with planes that are quieter and have far lower emissions, as well as connect thousands of communities that don't currently have regular air service. Their first model will fly about 1130 kilometres, far enough to ferry travellers from Boston to Washington or Silicon Valley to Los Angeles.
6 October 2017 by lynnwood



A Shell service station with no petrol
Royal Dutch Shell is planning to open Britain's first "no-petrol" service station in London next year as part of its drive towards cleaner motoring. The forecourt is expected to offer motorists biofuels, electric vehicle charge points and hydrogen cell refuelling instead of traditional petrol and diesel pumps. The buildings are expected to be powered by renewable energy from solar panels on the forecourt roof.
29 September 2017 by lynnwood



A UX evening to improve IdeaSpies
User experience (UX) is vital to a platform's success. Getting registered users together to say what they like, what they don't and how a platform could be more useful to them is very helpful, particularly when they're all known as innovators and support collaboration. Watch this space.... x
29 September 2017 by lynnwood



Renewable energy to power steel mill
The new owner of the Whyalla steel mill is teaming up with renewable provider, Zen Energy, and banking that renewable energy can provide clean power for steel production. The Whyalla Steelworks is a fully integrated steelworks and the only manufacturer of rail in Australia.
28 September 2017 by lynnwood