Type 2 Diabetes is reversible
Type 2 Diabetes is a silent pandemic. Millions have the disease and many do not know they have it. It disproportionately affects Indigenous Australians. The total annual cost for Australians with the disease is $6 billion. Enough GPs think there is no cure and simply prescribe medications but there is evidence that body fat reduction reverses the Disease. Dr Michael Mosley advocates rapid weight loss. Canadian nephrologist Dr Jason Fung advocates intermittent fasting. Low carb eating and regular exercise are part of the solution. In the United Kingdom, the National Health Service accepts that Type 2 Diabetes is reversible.
Better tracking of Iatrogenesis
Iatrogenesis is harm or death resulting from medical treatment. A 2016 John Hopkins University study found the annual number of latrogenic deaths in the US to be 250,000. Later studies claimed up to 440,000 deaths: This is staggering when deaths due to respiratory disease were 150,000 per year.Some 90 countries use the World Health Organisation's ICD (International Classification of Diseases) as the basis mortality statistics, which determine medical research funding and public health programs. But, there is a problem. To date the ICD has not included medical treatment or medical errors. Changing the ICD may just transform healthcare.
Be MY patient advocate
Increasingly complex medical treatments and pressure
on hospital budgets mean case management suffers. People can
literally die in hospital waiting for the right treatment. Medication
errors are causing harm and death. Patients (particular older patients) need help to make good
decisions about their treatment and to keep doctors and medical staff
accountable. They need medically qualified advocates, trained in health
advocacy, whose loyalty is to them and not to the hospital. Evidence
points to improved health outcomes and less costs to the health budget. With
an aging population and more single people this idea has come of age.