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New gel: the future of dental care?
Currently, there’s no way to whiten your teeth and also prevent cavities. In fact, whitening products can often damage our teeth
4 September 2022 by Trevor Rowe



New pain relief though nerve cooling implant
Guardian Science Correspondent NIcola Davis reports that a nerve-cooling implant could offer pain relief alternative to opioids.&n
26 July 2022 by Trevor Rowe



Phage therapy .. a new frontier in healthcare
Hannah Devlin, Guardian UK Science Correspondent, reports that two US patients have recovered from intractable infections after being treated with a pioneering phage therapy involving genetically engineered bacteria-killing viruses.A 26-year-old man with cystic fibrosis, was approaching death after suffering a chronic lung infection.  After being given the phage therapy, his infection cleared allowing him to receive a lung transplant and resume an active life.And, a 56-year-old man with severe arthritis, showed a remarkable recovery from a skin infection that was taking hold of his body and which had proved untreatable with conventional drugs.  For more information see:
26 June 2022 by Trevor Rowe



Vaxinia: an experimental cancer-killing virus
An experimental cancer-killing virus (Vaxinia) has been administered to a human patient for the first time, with hopes the testing will ultimately reveal evidence of a new means of successfully fighting cancer tumors in humans.  Co-developers of the oncolytic virus drug are the City of Hope cancer care and research center in Los Angeles and Australia-based biotech company Imugene.  The trial is for two years.Previous research has shown the drug can harness an animal immune system to hunt and destroy cancer cells.  Another monocolytic virus drug T-VEC (Talimogene laherparepvec) is used to treat melanoma in humans.Article:
12 June 2022 by Trevor Rowe


17 May 2022 by Trevor Rowe



Know your healthcare rights
The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights describes the rights that consumers, or someone they care for, can expect when receiving healthcare.  Healthcare rights cover:  access, safety, respect, partnership, information, privacy and the right to give feedback or make a complaint. These rights apply to all people in all places where healthcare is provided in Australia. This includes public and private hospitals, day procedure services, general practice and other community health services. The Charter's 1st Edition was endorsed by health ministers in 2008. The Second Edition, launched in 2019, is a great tool for all healthcare consumers.    
2 May 2022 by Trevor Rowe