This AI method to non-invasively screen for anemia could add value to existing diabetic eye disease screening programs, or support an anemia screening that would be quicker and easier than a blood test. Additionally, this work is another example of using deep learning with explainable insights to discover new biomedical knowledge, extending our previous work on cardiovascular risk factors, refractive error, and progression of macular degeneration. We hope this will inspire additional research to reveal new scientific insights from existing medical tests, and to help improve early interventions and health outcomes.
This smart insulin patch, if proven safe and effective in human trials, would revolutionize the patient experience of diabetes care.In experiments, a one quarter-sized patch successfully controlled glucose levels in pigs with type I diabetes for about 20 hours, researchers said. The pigs weighed about 55 pounds on average.This new development could revolutionize how glucose levels are monitored in diabetes patients and deliver insulin doses when necessary.
CloudFisher was created by Aqualonis, it could allow people living in coastal or mountainous areas to convert fog into safe drinking water. This water can also be used to irrigate crops or forestry efforts.It's made from a 3D mesh that can withstand high wind speeds, while still retaining water. It comes in a variety of sizes, to suit individual needs or the needs of entire villages.
AirCarbon was developed by Newlight Technologies, and has already won many awards for its innovative sustainability. It's made from carbon emissions that would otherwise be released into the air, and can have a multitude of uses.It's a verified carbon-negative material, meaning every step of its production and use is fully green and sustainable. Because it is not made from oil like other plastics, it is also a cost-effective alternative to other synthetic materials.