Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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18 February 2020 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...



Portable Biogas Bags
A German company called (B)energy generates biogas from organic wastes and manure .The company’s work doesn’t just end there. They transfer this gas into special bags that weigh around 9 lbs and sell them. These bags can easily be used to make your gas burner work for at least 4 hours.
15 February 2020 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...



Turning Used Diapers Into Good Energy
In the Netherlands, a waste treatment plant called ARN has come up with a plan to build a factory where a reactor is installed . This reactor will be heated to 480 degrees Fahrenheit. This heat will melt the diaper into liquid form, the heat will also kill all the bacteria, and the resulting product can be recycled into eco-friendly plastic, biomass, or even gas.
15 February 2020 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...



Growing Genetically Modified Plants. They Help Clean The Air
Some researchers of Washington University have discovered a very unique method that uses plants to clean air which cause different diseases. To aid this problem, they suggest us to grow genetically modified plants also known as filter houseplants — these plants help purify the air at your homes or in our surroundings (1). The teams genetically modified plants by including a gene that is present in all mammals and injected it into Epipremnum aureum plants (2). Their researches have shown that the amount of benzene has been reduced by 75% by placing such plants in their homes
15 February 2020 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...



B-Droid: Buzzing Toward a Brighter Future
B-Droid is just one of a few efforts to create robotic bees that can pollinate crops as effectively as their organic counterparts. B-Droid's mission is to help boost the natural bee population, by giving low-nutritional and high-labor pollination tasks to robotic bees. Created by researchers at the University of Warsaw, B'Droid's vision consists of a managing platform and swarms of autonomous and semi-autonomous robots, who would have the ability to identify and pollinate crops effectively
13 February 2020 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...


13 February 2020 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...