Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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App that reminds you to wash your hands for safety
According to Samsung, “a small group of designers and developers from Samsung Research Institute-Bangalore, or SRI-B’s UX and wearable teams, worked round-the-clock over the last two weeks to come up with a solution that helps you keep healthy and safe" They came out the other side with Hand Wash, a Galaxy Watch app designed to remind wearers to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds. 
20 April 2020 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...



New steps in clean energy : Wind Tree
We face many issues with energy creation & pollution. Some organizations have planned to start a new mode in clean energy creation. The Wind Tree produces green energy while respecting aesthetics and urban development strategies. The colours of the leaves and trunk ensure the Wind Tree blends with the environment.
15 April 2020 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...



Remarkable Efforts to Detect Signs of COVID-19 Using Voice Analysis
A group of analysts at Carnegie Mellon University and different establishments have discharged an early form of COVID Voice Detector application that they guarantee can decide if you may have COVID-19, just by examining your voice. Which will in future help a lot in epidemiology monitor & prevention support in healthcare industry.
6 April 2020 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...



Future Messaging with Just your Mind
Guessing thoughts seems like the stuff of fiction—yet to language teachers, it has a ground-breaking restorative potential. What's more, presently another AI model has carried this innovation closer to reality than at any other time. Researchers and neuroscientists from UC San Francisco had the option to make an interpretation of neural movement into content. In future this innovation could help individuals who have lost discourse - from ALS, a stroke, or some other horrendous mind injury.  
6 April 2020 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...



Thread Robot: Future Device for Healthcare Robotics
MIT engineers created a thread-like robotic which could glide thru the brain's blood vessels and will deliver clot-lowering tablets to treat strokes or aneurysms. The robotic thread ought to offer an alternative to open brain surgical procedure, and it may be managed through surgeons outside of the operating room. Theoretically, surgeons ought to control it remotely from a completely extraordinary region. This device will create a revolution in healthcare, robotics & other allied fields
3 April 2020 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...



Competitions for finding solutions to fight COVID-19
IBM is running a competition for finding solutions to fight COVID-19. Initial submissions are due by April 27. Other competitions are also listed here. 
29 March 2020 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...