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Floating Solar Panels?
Israel lacks roughly 12,000 acres to meet its 30 percent share of renewable energy goal by 2030.But what if land wasn’t a limiting factor for solar energy? What if we could harness the unused surfaces of our lakes and various types of water reservoirs instead? This is the concept behind floating photovoltaics (FPV), otherwise referred to as floating solar––PV modules mounted on buoyant platforms that float on sunlit bodies of water where surface conditions are calm. Xfloat’s system has buoyancy tanks arranged in a grid of connected vessels that control the rotation of the PV tracking tables in unison.
23 May 2022 by Jeremy Ungar



Robot Hives to Keep Bees Buzzing
More than 70 percent of crops, including almost all fruits, vegetables, oilseeds, spices, coffee and cocoa are dependent on pollinators such as bees. They function as normal hives, but apiaries built at a kibbutz in Israel’s Galilee are decked out with high-tech artificial intelligence systems set to ensure longevity for these vital pollinators. The hives feature a multi-purpose robot that does everything from monitor the bees to adjust the habitat and provide them with care. The startup hopes to be producing its own honey for the first time — the “first honey in the world made with artificial intelligence”
19 May 2022 by Jeremy Ungar



A Wheelchair to Make Hiking 'Accessible for All'
In 2008, the original Trekker model that Zur’s father rode was able to change wheels in 40 to 50 seconds. Today’s model “does the same in about four seconds,” Zur says, and includes specially designed ropes to make pulling more comfortable for the helpers. Typically, three to four people need to be on hand to push or pull the trekker on the trail. Paratrek is one of the only companies in the world building hiking wheelchairs, but the company earns revenue in three different ways – selling the Trekkers, teaching workshops, and organizing hikes. Full article:
11 May 2022 by Jeremy Ungar



Smart Walls and All - Israel Border Security Technology
Border security has increasingly become one of the most pressing issues within nations’ homeland security agencies. Though a controversial subject, there has been a consensus that borders must be secured humanely. A popular humanitarian solution has been the creation of smart walls. A smart wall is the use of technologies such as cameras, scanners, sensors, and radars used to prevent illicit entry, smuggling, and threats along borders... Besides Israel’s largest defense companies, there are several promising homeland security Israeli start-ups that specialize in smart wall solutions. Find out who they are and if they are relevant to your organisation:
6 May 2022 by Jeremy Ungar



The Future of the Metaverse Lies in Israel
Let’s transport ourselves back to 1989, Tim Berners Lee has just written his proposals for the WorldWideWeb software and the modern world as we know will never be the same again. Fast-forward to 2022 and are we witnessing the same thing with Mark Zuckerberg’s aspirations for the Metaverse. In between this time, we have seen mini internet revolutions that have transformed the way we work, communicate and grow as a society. Google and Facebook... we did not realise their impact, then, but will this be the same with the Metaverse? How far will it impact our lives? Read on:
6 May 2022 by Jeremy Ungar



Transforming Farming & Agribusiness
Israel has cultivated a legacy of agricultural innovation in the face of scarcity for many years. With advanced research, entrepreneurial farmers and technologists, and government support, the country has produced an Agritech sector that today numbers more than 500 globally oriented companies excelling in many different areas. Interest in technologies for agriculture will continue as farm management adopts data-driven agronomy. Digital imaging, sensors, and artificial intelligence platforms are set to change farming from precision to ‘predictive’ agriculture. From predictive agriculture to crop insurance, these Israeli firms are bringing technological innovation to modernize the agriculture industry. Discover their innovative solutions: https://israeltrad
27 April 2022 by Jeremy Ungar