When businesses have stock to clear or seats to fill, they simply push out a Loocl deal straight from their phone that lasts as short as an hour or as long as a day. Members see deals close by along with directions and the time left to take a deal - seen at the Capital Pitch Investor presentation. www.loocl.com
Care Guidance matches and places people who need aged care with providers. As well as a tech service they offer personal advice to take the stress out of the transition. www.careguidance.com.au
Education Curb provides personalised learning for English literacy that targets years 1-6 and delivers measurable learning outcomes while making learning fun through gamification. http://www.educationcurb.com
Surgeo is an online tool and service of the healthcare logistics company Allevion, Inc. that helps you simplify the process of searching for and choosing a surgery package. It lets you compare these packages by surgeon, price, and location and aims to deliver quality, value, and convenience through choices of surgery packages. www.surgeo.com
All major fast food outlets and large supermarkets will have to show the kilojoule count of their takeaway food from the middle of next year under legislation being introduced into the Victorian Parliament of Australia. Other Australian states have similar laws. https://twitter.com/IdeaSpies/status/717927821830594561