The vaccine could work by creating an anti-saliva immune response in humans that prevents infection. In addition, after the mosquito bites a vaccinated human host, antibodies from the human attack the gut and salivary glands of the mosquito which reduces the survival of the mosquito. If successful in its imminent Zika clinical study, Imutex will further develop the technology in other mosquito-borne illnesses, including malaria, dengue and West Nile.
In the near future, if you live in or near New York City or Paris, you?ll be able to buy ice cream or shampoo in a reusable container. When you?ve eaten your tub of Haagen-Dazs, for example, you?ll put the sleek stainless steel package in your personal reuse bin instead of your rubbish bin. Then it will be picked up for delivery back to a cleaning and sterilization facility so that it can be refilled with more ice cream for another customer. Loop is the milkman of the past reimagined.
Now, with the added advantage of satellite technology, machine learning, artificial intelligence and cloud-based geospatial technology it has been possible to create a new way to value Australian agriculture. This new service from Digital Agriculture Services is set to revolutionise how decisions and investments are made in agriculture.