Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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Sort by: April Chepovskygold Harvey, J.D., R.N., U.S. Editor


15 May 2022 by April Chepovs...



The Art of Blasting Weeds
Technology enabling farmers to blast weeds with pinpoint lasers  could change agriculture, akin to the advent of the gin, tractor, or combine.Computer artificial intelligence is patterned after human vision through 20 cameras that target, identify and track weeds. The trained artificial intelligence  is able to focus on a given crop, identify it and then direct eight lasers on other vegetation in the field including volunteer crops and weeds. In real time, while the vehicle moves, the image processing and laser firing all happen simultaneously  allowing the autonomous LaserWeeder to obliterate weeds while moving  1-2 mph.
30 April 2022 by April Chepovs...


10 April 2022 by April Chepovs...



Fruit Trees Feeding the Homeless
Fruit trees  along sidewalks can feed the homeless. One apple or peach tree can yield 300 pounds of food. One plum tree can yield 100 pounds of food. If fruit trees lined the street, imagine how much food could be produced. Planting urban trees along the street in our cities, can provide not only a visual and beautiful background to a barren street,  it gives the homeless and hungry the ability to access food that is healthy and fresh when it may be needed most. Several cities around the world are trying this idea.
24 March 2022 by April Chepovs...



Plates of Hope
Operating around the clock, World Central Kitchen is working every day to feed Ukranian refugees who have been displaced by war. They may face hunger, malnutrition and starvation. A team of chefs and other professionals source and hire locally to jump-start economic recovery through food. They put people back to work by preparing food  who are partnered as restaurant groups or individuals.  The program has fed 1 million people in the war torn region. Food is sheltered in secret locations as warehouses are subject to being bombed. The program is located in Ukraine and 5 surrounding countries.Read more:
23 March 2022 by April Chepovs...



Fish Can Work Day and Night
Even fish can work.  The amazing acts like eating and producing waste that fish do, is the perfect fertilizer for growing plants.  Aquaponics is just like a natural ecosystem. Aquaponics represents the relationship between water, aquatic life, bacteria, nutrient dynamics, and plants which grow together in  places like waterways  throughout the  world.  Exchanging the waste by-product from the fish as a food for the bacteria, to be converted into a perfect fertilizer for the plants, and then  to return the water in a clean and safe form to the fish is how these systems work creating tremendous yields. 
4 February 2022 by April Chepovs...