Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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Sort by: April Chepovskygold Harvey, J.D., R.N., U.S. Editor



Plants Text Messaging Farmers
Leaf Sensor technology has been developed by AgriHouse and University of Colorado  that allows plants to communicate with  humans about their water needs. This innovative new agriculture technology will save  water and energy resources for farmers. The leaf sensor technology is funded and sponsored by the NASA and the National Science Foundation (NSF).
11 April 2021 by April Chepovs...



Vertical Farms Ready For Take-Off
Vertical farms allow cultivation at latitudes incompatible with certain crops such as the desert or arctic.  Vertical systems allow farmers to extend the latitude range on which crops can be grown on the planet, from the deserts of Dubai to the 4-hour winter days of Iceland. If you were to  grow crops on Mars you would need to use this kind of technology because there is no soil.
10 April 2021 by April Chepovs...