Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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A lasting tale of loved ones
Traditional family trees, written biographies and paper records can fail to bring alive the personality, tenor and experiences of family.  Enter Dimity Brassel and her team of professional journalists who interview and capture the unique histories and lives of everyday people. Once curated the audio episodes not only directly capture the individual's history, but they also capture the very sounds, the laughter, indeed the very melody of your loved ones. A lasting, priceless tale.
8 November 2023 by Kylie Hargrea...



Phones banned in public high schools
NSW has banned phones in public high schools. Individual schools decide how to implement the ban. Students use lock
12 October 2023 by IdeaSpies



Sleep regulation is more important than sleep duration
But why does sleep regularity have such a significant effect?It’s likely because of how changes in our sleep patterns tinker wit
2 October 2023 by IdeaSpies



Turning a Cement Empire into A Garden Oasis for Visitors
Just outside of Victoria, British Columbia, this Canadian historical landmark of 55 acres  has been preserved by 5 generations.Their contribution has been to turn cement empire from a limestone quarry into a garden preserved for the public.Butchart Gardens contains over  900 varieties of plants 26 greenhouses.With 100 years of development, the gardens boast wondering pathes, exotic trees, eclectic water fountains, and specialized gardens such as a Japanese garden, Dragon garden, Italian garden and rose garden.The grounds have been expanded to include special areas for concerts, festivities, spectacular lighting for night tours, a restaurant and gift shop.
19 September 2023 by April Chepovs...


27 August 2023 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...


17 August 2023 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...