A new app called Skool Loop helps school principals who are spending an increasing amount of time on administrative functions. It provides a simple, user-friendly process for schools to quickly and easily communicate with the school community. The app contains features such as instant messaging, school calendar synchronisation, absentee messaging, newsletters and notices. It?s free, secure, and doesn?t require any training to use. Participating schools in Australia and NZ are allocated a team member who will set it up for them, free of charge. www.skoolloop.com
The NSW Government is helping kids get active with the new Active Kids program.
Parents, guardians and carers can apply for a voucher valued up to $100 per calendar year for each student enrolled in school. The voucher may be used with a registered activity provider for registration, participation and membership costs for sport, fitness and active recreation activities. The idea was mentioned as part of a briefing by the NSW Treasurer to the Sydney Financial Forum today. https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/apply-active-kids-voucher
What if there was a way you could pay to remove the targeted ads from Facebook, stop it from tracking everything you do and make your data more secure? Currently ?we don?t pay for the product because we are the product?. Our data has been collected and is now used to influence us in many ways. A paid product could give us the sharing advantages we originally liked in Facebook without the disadvantages of lack of privacy.