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1 July 2023 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...



Binge eating linked to sleep issues
New research suggests a link between binge eating and sleep issues like insomnia and next-day tiredness. Research by Professor Amanda Salis, from the School of Human Sciences at the University of Western Australia, suggests a link between binge eating and sleep problems says the discovery could help improve treatments.  She says, We know that poor sleep does lead to p'oor health outcomes.' Binge eating is when a person consumes more food than would be considered appropriate in the circumstances.Professor Salis hopes the discovery will lead to better treatment if medical professionals are aware of the link.Article:
28 June 2023 by Trevor Rowe


21 June 2023 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...


19 June 2023 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...



New Alzheimer's drug slows disease by a third
James Gallagher, BBC Health and science correspondent, reports, 'We could be entering the era of Alzheimer's treatments, after the second drug in under a year has been shown to slow the disease.'Gallagher quotes experts, saying we're now 'on the cusp' of drugs being available, something that had recently seemed "impossible".Eli Lilly has reported its drug - donanemab - slows the pace of Alzheimer's by about a third. However two volunteers, and possibly a third, died as a result of dangerous swelling in the brain.Article: also:
17 June 2023 by Trevor Rowe



Sterile, Disposable Bra for Postoperative Wound Care
EZbra Advanced Wound Care is the developer of EZbra, a patented, sterile, disposable bra for advanced postoperative wound care. EZbra addresses the difficulty and discomfort many post-op patients experience with current breast-wound dressings. EZbra offers a tailored solution for each patient and their specific breast shape and requirements. It is an all-in-one product designed for the many needs and challenges created by breast procedures including biopsies, lumpectomies, mastectomies, reconstructions, and aesthetic procedures. EZbra was founded by Efrat Roman, a breast cancer survivor and the founder of, a social commerce website for women dealing with breast cancer.
16 June 2023 by Jeremy Ungar