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An artificial cartilage gel that's strong enough to work on knees
The thin, slippery layer of cartilage between the bones in the knee is magical stuff: strong enough to withstand a person’s weight, but soft and supple enough to cushion the joint against impact, over decades of repeat use. That combination of soft-yet-strong has been hard to reproduce in the lab. But now, Duke University researchers say they’ve created an experimental gel that’s the first to match the strength and durability of the real thing.Many people could benefit from something like this. Currently knee replacements - which involve pretty invasive surgery - may only last for a couple of decades before they need to be replaced again.
7 July 2020 by IdeaSpies



A low-cost scanning service to replace X-rays
Nanox, a startup out of Israel, has developed a small, low-cost scanning system and “medical screening as a service” to repl
6 July 2020 by IdeaSpies



World Microbiome Day: Diversity Matters
World Microbiome Day was celebrated on June 27, with the theme of #diversitymatters! Diversity when related to the human gut micro
29 June 2020 by Mel Raassina



Working towards new ways to detect and treat Pancreatic Cancer
Professor John Hooper from The University of Queensland is working at Brisbane's Translational Research Institute to develop a
29 June 2020 by Mel Raassina



Potential therapeutics for non-small cell lung cancer
A Brisbane (Australia) research group at has identified a potential new therapeutic target and prognostic marker fo
15 June 2020 by Mel Raassina


5 June 2020 by Victor Perton