Thredbo is Australia's first snow resort to have its major resort operations powered by renewable energy, setting a new benchmark for environmental sustainability within the snow industry and protecting our environment into the future.
I saw this car in the showroom of the BMW factory in Regensburg in 2019 after doing one of their factory tours and took a photo. It started my interest in use of hydrogen as a source of power. Before then many thought hydrogen was too dangerous to use for energy.Companies are working on power-to-gas renewable hydrogen, which is when wind or solar energy is used to split hydrogen from water. This renewable hydrogen could be used to supplement renewable energy to charge electric cars.
Elumin8 provides tailored energy information via a unique communication channel, allowing homeowners to directly engage with their home in a human and personable way. It guides the household step by step along the journey to energy independence by improving energy efficiency and taking the risk and confusion out of installing solar and batteries. Elumin8 has been supported by the ON Accelerate program at CSIRO.
SkyCAM System is a state of the art solar forecasting platform. Driven by computer vision and cutting edge algorithms, the system delivers tailored, local and relevant forecasts for your system. SkyCAM significantly reduces costs and the use of diesel usage by a minimum of 15 per cent. Savings of up to 30 per cent can be achieved with SkyCAM with 99 per cent forecast accuracy. SkyCAM has been supported by the ON Accelerate program at CSIRO.
Traditionally, small wind turbines have had a significantly lower efficiency than their large-scale counterparts, increasing their levelized cost of energy. Diffuse Energy's product is a small wind turbine that, through being enclosed within a diffuser, can produce nearly twice the power output of existing wind turbines of the same size. Their additional diffuser also makes their turbine safer and quieter than existing turbines, both of which are key considerations for potential customers. Diffuse Energy has been supported by the ON Accelerate program at CSIRO.