Thinking of helping organizations committed to organic farming? If you want to create a date for Valentine's Day, look no farther. Last year, New Hampshire offered a 15 minute date package with a cow for consumers on Zoom as a way to donate to an agricultural charity.The proceeds from the dates that were in high demand were donated to Wolfe’s Neck, an organization committed to organic farming, innovative soil health research, and future farmers. The company also helps local dairy producers by providing access to research grants.
Twelve Bottles of Bordeaux were aged in space for 438 days and 19 hours on the International Space Station. The experiment was to see how microgravity or weightlessness effects wine as it ages before returning to earth on SpaceX Dragon, The red wine was seen to be further evolved by 2-3 years that came back from space compared to the ones that stayed on earth for 438 days and 19 hours. According to Christie's the price for such a bottle will sell on earth for about $1million.
Isolation, limited resources and harsh environment in Antarctica is ideal for the kind of conditions faced by astronauts growing crops in space in environments like Mars.
EDEN ISS is a greenhouse regulated remotely from mission control at the German Aerospace Centre in Breman.
The cultivation process at this greenhouse is aeroponic meaning a soilless system where the crops absorb nutrients from a water mist applied at the roots. The vegetables are grown in vertical racks, giving a total growing area in the greenhouse of 12.5 square metres, with the roots exposed in plant growth trays.Photo credit Esther Horvath